
Located 10 miles northeast of Mokelumne Hill along present Highway 26, the vicinity of Glencoe was known as Mosquito Gulch in the early years. The post office identified the location as Mosquito Gulch from 1873-1878, when it received the name of the historic town in Scotland. Both names were subsequently used to decribe the community.
Valentine Granados, John Doble’s muleskinner, had a productive mine in the area which he sold to Mumford Eldred in 1858. In 1873 the Good Hope Mine, formerly worked by Mexicans with arrastras, had an 18-stamp mill and was doing custom work for Glencoe district mines. Other mines in the Glencoe group included the Sierra King, Sierra Queen, Oriental, Monte Cristo, Blue Jay, Mexican, San Bruno, Aetna, Banner, San Pedro, Spring Day, Blue Bell, Bismarck, Norwich, Alabama , Rindge No. 3, Fidelity, Stone Wall, and Garibaldi (personal communication, Lloyd Donald Ames 2010). In 1899 Glencoe was still the trading center and post office for quartz and drift mines in the area.
By the late 1800s, ranchers and farmers had settled into the landscape, providing stability and family life to the community. WWII added lumbering to the vocations of many area families while today most residents commute to jobs in nearby towns.
By Patrick B. McGreevy, 2007
Erwin G. Goode; California Gold Camps, 1975, University of California Press